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HK Fitness Lifestyle Nutrition

Strong Abs for the Office-Bound

Let’s face it, being at your desk and in front of some form of a screen is imperative for your job. There are hundreds of emails, projects to complete and people to please. Before you know it, hours have passed and you haven’t got up from your desk. At the time this may not seem like such a bad thing. However, over time, and if you’re not training regularly, your core muscles will become weaker.

A strong set of core muscles goes way beyond washboard abs. I’m talking about the deeper core muscles which provide real function and help your body move healthily.

Think of these deeper core muscles like a belt wrapping around your spine. If these muscles are weak, they provide a weakened support. However, when you strengthen these muscles, they provide a solid foundation to your back. With a set of strong core muscles, you’ll reduce the chances of injury and backache.

Here are five ways you can strengthen your core muscles whilst in the office:


Get down and plank! The plank is an excellent way to engage and strengthen your core muscles without any equipment. When holding the position, squeeze your glutes and abs hard. Think of it as though your boss is going to sit on your back and you have to brace the weight. Breathe deeply and hold tight. Hold for 10-30 seconds.


Stand up and work. Take any opportunity you can to stand up. Make a rule that whenever you make a phone call, you’ll make it standing up. When doing so, perform a standing plank. For ten-second intervals, squeeze the abs and glutes together at the same time to awaken them.


Band together. Using resistance bands is a convenient way to strengthen your core muscles when working from home. I highly recommend the Pallof Press as this will strengthen your oblique muscles which will further bulletproof your back. This can be done by attaching your resistance band to your door handle. Just make sure it’s secure before performing. Perform 2/3 sets of 12/15 reps on both sides.


Step it up. Take the stairs for no reason whatsoever. When taking the stairs, lift the leg in a slow and controlled way whilst bracing the abdominal muscles tightly. Whilst doing this, picture your lower abs being responsible for lifting your leg. This will help create a stronger mind-to-muscle connection to this area.


Twist and shout. Actually, don’t shout. This will be weird. A way of moving that is often neglected when thinking of core exercises is twisting from the hips. Many of the movements we make daily require some kind of twisting from the hip. So why not make this a priority when strengthening your core muscles in the office? Performing banded oblique twists works this area well. Perform 2/3 sets of 12/15 reps on both sides.

Top Tips supplied by

HK Fitness Lifestyle Nutrition

Fitness Lifestyle and Nutrition Coach

Phone Number: 07504 051466

Email Address: [email protected]


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