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Survey will help shape future access to finance landscape

Warwickshire County Council has commissioned the independent research company SQW to deliver an important review of the access to finance landscape in Warwickshire.

This research will inform future support to local businesses.

Survey will help shape future access to finance landscape

Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "Access to finance can be a major barrier to growth for businesses and this is something that Warwickshire County Council is trying hard to address.

"The County Council is a major funder of access to finance programmes for businesses across the county, including our £64 million Warwickshire Investment Fund, so it is vital that our support remains relevant and, as far as possible, tailored to the needs and capabilities of businesses. I would ask all businesses to please complete the survey to help us to continue to help the business community in the best possible way in years to come."

We are keen to hear your views on:
  • Your growth ambitions
  • Key barriers to growth for your business
  • Your future finance needs
  • Views on the current availability of finance for SME businesses in Warwickshire
The survey should only take up to 10 minutes to complete. You can find it here: 

The feedback will help Warwickshire County Council to better understand the needs of local businesses, and inform future support.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Kadriann Deacon, project manager at SQW ([email protected]).

If you would like to get in touch with Warwickshire County Council to check the legitimacy of this research, please contact Louisa Smith ([email protected]) .

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