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Warwickshire hotels land green tourism accolade amid net zero ambitions

Two Warwickshire hotels have landed a world-leading certification for their green credentials after a bumper year of sustainability successes – as they strive to become net zero by 2040.

Mallory Court Hotel and Spa in Leamington and The Arden Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon have been recognised by Green Tourism – a certification that has been assessing travel, tourism and hospitality businesses’ approaches to sustainability for more than 27 years.

Warwickshire hotels land green tourism accolade amid net zero ambitions

Expert assessors provide certification via bronze, silver and gold gradings, with Mallory Court becoming the only hotel in the town to land a gold certification. The Arden Hotel was awarded silver, upgrading from bronze in 2023.

Appointing “green champions” at each hotel to strive for a consistent approach to sustainability was key to landing the accreditation.

This has enabled each hotel to engage in and evidence practices across wide-ranging areas such as community engagement, employee health and wellbeing, and customer experiences, through to energy usage, carbon reduction and waste management.

Mallory Court and The Arden are part of Eden Hotel Collection – which has five hotels across the Midlands and South West – all of which now operate on 100% renewable energy, while their collective waste last year saw 35.5% directly recycled; with 55% converted into renewable energy and 9.5% anaerobically digested.

Josefine Blomqvist, General Manager at Mallory Court, said: “We know that sustainability is increasingly becoming a key consideration for customers when they are booking a stay – so we are delighted to be leading the way in Leamington when it comes to green credentials.

“Key activity over the past year has included hosting pupils from Myton School on what it is like to work in a hotel, through to hosting tours of our kitchen gardens for guests and even collaborating with a local vineyard to sell their products – these are just some of the practices we have adopted to land this accreditation.”

Jayne O’Malley, Group Operations Director at Eden Hotel Collection, has worked closely with each hotel and Green Tourism’s assessors to develop the organisation’s green credentials.

Jayne said: “Sustainability is much more than simply adopting environmentally friendly practices. It’s about creating a sustainable business in every sense – from our people and our local community, through to the growth of our own organisation and our supply chain.

“Some of the properties we own and operate date back as far as the 16th  century, but through our commitment to invest in sustainability, they are at the forefront of modern approaches of green hospitality, whether that is through the use of renewable energy, utilising local suppliers, or utilising on-site kitchen gardens for produce or guest experiences.

“Each of our hotels were initially graded by Green Tourism in 2023 with silver or bronze gradings – so to see each hotel making that step up one year on is testament to the commitment that our people have shown to take on board advice from the assessors to make us one of the leading hotel groups in the UK not just for a luxurious stay, but for sustainability too.”

The Green Tourism accolades follow hot on the heels of the Eden Hotel Collection being named by the AA as Small Hotel Group of the Year.

For more information about Eden Hotel Collection, visit

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