Business Global
Everything you need to trade internationally...
Business Global Membership can help you discover a whole new world of opportunity. If you haven’t considered international markets for your products & services, we can help you identify new markets and take the hassle out of trading overseas.
Across the Accredited Chamber Network in the UK, we enable £20bn+ of goods to reach every country around the world through practical support for your export strategy and activity.
Who is it for?
Business Global is ideal for growing companies who are keen to raise their profile and increase their global opportunities
What's included?
- Access to expert information, support & training from our International Trade Hub along with support from the Department for International Trade to develop your export strategy
- Global opportunities through a range of trade missions, fairs and access to international procurement requests
- Save money with exclusive rates and discounts on your export documentation and ChamberCustoms services
- Position your products and services to appeal to an international audience - whether it be sales, marketing, translation or foreign exchange, we’re here to help.
In addition...
Business Global Members benefit from our extensive range of Core Membership Services & Benefits
- ChamberProtect Services - providing 24/7, 365 day cover for HR, Legal, H&S and Tax/VAT advice, as well as comprehensive legal expenses insurance cover of up to £1 million
- Free Credit Checks on all UK-registered businesses
- Marketing & Promotion through the Chamber's website, ezines, social media and magazine
- Share events you are organising, special offers and top tips to your fellow members
- Join your local quarterly Branch District Meeting to meet with MP's, key stakeholders and local decision makers
- Plus much more...
Click here to view our Core Membership Services