Project Warwickshire - free recovery and growth business support to help the county’s tourism, leisure and hospitality sector
Helping your sector get back to business...
COVID-19 has created a huge challenge to this sector which has been heavily impacted by lockdowns and government restrictions. This package of support will help small businesses in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry to not only recover, but grow and thrive post pandemic.
Project Warwickshire, delivered by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Warwickshire County Council will involve partners including Shakespeare’s England and Northern Warwickshire Tourism to identify businesses across the county who will benefit from this support.
Are you looking for help with your:
• Marketing Strategy
• Mastering your recruitment and retention issues
• Business planning
What’s included in the business support?
FREE* business assistance funded by Warwickshire County Council and supplemented by European Regional Development Fund money, will enable the Chamber to boost the sector, implementing a programme of support including:
• 1:1 Business Coaching - We have a team of skilled and experienced business coaches to provide impartial, confidential support working both strategically and practically with you to achieve your objectives
• Core Workshops – Covering topics such as social media, online presence, marketing, recruitment and selection to provide useful tips and practical skills you can put into action
• Networking & Connectivity - join networking events in an informal setting to foster collaboration, working together within your sector and generating referrals
We’re here to help you to adapt and thrive.
Get in touch today to check your eligibility and take advantage of this FREE fully funded business support.
Please complete this form HERE or scan the QR code below:
Or For more details, email: [email protected]
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See who Project Warwickshire has supported:
** Eligibility criteria applies
No, the service is open to all eligible Warwickshire businesses, including members and non-members. However, we would be delighted to invite you to some select events via an introduction to the membership team
Project Warwickshire was set up and funded by Warwickshire County Council as part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale programme with part funding from the European Regional Development Fund to offer free support to eligible businesses.
** Eligibility criteria applies
Businesses must be over 12 months old, based in Warwickshire, be classed as Tourism and Leisure Industry and looking to safeguard and/or create jobs. A simple online questionnaire is the first step to registering
We work in cohorts so each client is supported over a period of 3-4 months